Operation Family Fund to Exhibit at Upcoming 2007 Gold Coast Navy Show

National Defense Industrial Association Donates Booth to Operation Family Fund

August 13, 2007 – Ridgecrest, CA – Operation Family Fund is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to helping the families of fallen or injured military heroes. Thanks to the kindness of the Gold Coast Navy Show, Operation Family Fund will be exhibiting in Booth #518 to provide insights to the organization and information on how to donate.

Fundraising is an ongoing challenge for Operation Family Fund. As of June 2007 over 140 Families have received grants, and more than $932,000 in donations have been received from generous Americans.

“Operation Family Fund receives no government funding and is solely supported by private donations from businesses, individuals and organizations. Through the generosity of the Gold Coast Show we are able to spread the word about the financial grants that are available to the families of injured or fallen soldiers in need. Operation Family Fund greatly appreciates the opportunity to build awareness of our organization and to help more families in need,” stated Mike Cash, Founder and CEO of Operation Family Fund.

Members and families of military and civilian personnel who died or were severely disabled while serving their country both domestically and abroad as part of Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom are eligible for help by Operation Family Fund. A member is defined as any person serving officially as an employee of the U.S. federal government or contractor to the U.S. federal government. The Operation Family Fund Board of Directors along with medical consultants will determine eligibility of severely disabled members.

Operation Family Fund has set a 10 year financial goal to disburse $250 million for eligible members and families. This goal can only be achieved by the generosity of American businesses and private donations.

Operation Family Fund can accept cars and other vehicles as donations as well. Go to the Donate For Charity Inc. web site www.donateforcharity.com, click on “Car Donation Form” then select “Charity Information.” Use the pull down menu and select “Operation Enduring Freedom Family Fund.”

Donations of services, materials, etc. are greatly appreciated. For more information or to donate please visit https://www.operationfamilyfund.org. Operation Family Fund is an IRS 501 ( c ) (3) Non-Profit Corporation.

Operation Family Fund Contact:
Mike Cash
Founder & CEO
Tel. 760-793-0053

Press Contact:
Susan van Barneveld, APR
Antarra Communications
Tel. 714-891-3660